Anunaki Astronomical Observatory
The Anunaki Astronomical Observatory was born from our passion for astronomy and materialized over the years and a lot of effort.
The need to use astronomical equipment, without the need to assemble and disassemble everything, was what drove the construction of the fixed observatory. Located on the top floor of a building, in an urban sky.
We mainly perform photometric work of exoplanet transits and asteroid morphology.
we also collaborate in the supernova groupObsn.
In the beginning
The first equipment to take pictures was a Meade LXD75 and a SkyWatcher ED80, with a Canon 40D without filter and cooled.
With this team I started in astrophotography, and in the Gallery you will find images taken with this equipment.
A few years later, I acquired a Meade LX200 203mm telescope, modified by Peterson Engineering Corporation’s on an equatorial platform, and for data collection a SBIG ST8xme ccd camera.
The S/C is equipped with a Meade 6.3 focal length reducer, to gain some field, especially used in photometry. It is also equipped with an electronic focusor from Meade.
With this team we started taking photometric measurements and exoplanetary transits, the point of no return of our work
The construction of the observatory begins with a booth of a well-known DIY center, modified and reinforced in wood, with a roll-off roof.
Anunaki Observatory, despite being located in a highly polluted sky, obtained because of its astrometric work the MPC Z51 Observatory code.
The work of exoplanet transit photometry has allowed us to collaborate with various research projects on this topic and collaborate in these scientific publications.
At the moment
Today the location and equipment has changed a lot. Currently located in the mountains of Madrid at about 1200 meters of altitude with a much higher sky quality and an S/C equipment of 355 mm aperture.
Specially designed to continue carrying out exoplanet photometry work and to continue collaborating on professional projects with a larger aperture that allows reaching more dim targets.
Meade LX200 – Schmidt Cassegrain 355mm