HAT-P-21b orbits the dwarf star G3 V = 11.685 GSC 3013-01229 in an eccentric orbit (e = 0.228 ± 0.016), with a period P = 4.124481 ± 0.000007 days, transit time Tc = 2454996.413106.41312 0 and transit duration. 0.1530 ± Continue Reading
Un observatorio amateur para estudios profesionales.Estudios de Exoplanetas, fotometría de asteroides, supernovas, ocultación de objetos estelares, astrofotografía, el Observatorio Anunaki al servicio de astrónomos profesionales.
HAT-P-21b orbits the dwarf star G3 V = 11.685 GSC 3013-01229 in an eccentric orbit (e = 0.228 ± 0.016), with a period P = 4.124481 ± 0.000007 days, transit time Tc = 2454996.413106.41312 0 and transit duration. 0.1530 ± Continue Reading