The galaxy Messier 105 (also known as Object Messier 105, M105 or NGC 3379) is an elliptical galaxy in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781. M105 is the brightest elliptical galaxy in the Leo I group or M96 group of galaxies, and is located at a distance of approximately 38 million light years.

Studies carried out with the help of the Hubble space telescope suggest the presence, on the one hand, of a black hole in the center of this galaxy with an estimated mass of 50 million solar masses, as well as on the other hand, a few young stars and star clusters, which suggests that at least some elliptical galaxies continue to form stars, albeit at a very slow rate.
M105 along with its companion lenticular galaxy NGC 3384 in the image, the elongated galaxy located above to the left of M105 are orbited by a large ring of neutral hydrogen 200 kiloparsecs in diameter and with a mass of 1.8 billion times the mass of the Sun in which a certain rate of star formation has been detected and which is believed to be a remnant of the formation of both galaxies.

This Hubble image of M105 was taken in visible light and near-infrared light. Like most elliptical galaxies, it appears rather monotonous and inactive. However, Hubble observations surprised astronomers by revealing young stars and star clusters in M105, indicating that star formation is still taking place in what was thought to be a “dead” galaxy that was no longer capable of to give rise to new stars.
Other Hubble observations measured the velocities of stars moving around the center of the galaxy, demonstrating that a supermassive black hole resides at the core of M105.

Technical data of the acquisition:
Baader Blue (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 20×300,″(1h 40′)
Baader Green (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 20×300,″(1h 40′)
Baader Red (CMOS-Optimized) 36 mm: 20×300,″(1h 40′)
Baader UV/IR CUT Luminance (CMOS Optimized) 36 mm: 25×300,″(2h 5′)
Time integration:
7h 5′