
NGC 6820 is an impressive nebula located in the constellation Vulpecula, also known as the constellation Fox. It is a giant cloud of gas and dust in space, and its appearance is really fascinating, especially if you like cosmic formations with unusual shapes.

What makes NGC 6820 special is that it is not alone. In fact, it is right next to a star cluster called NGC 6823, which is composed of young, bright stars. These stars are born inside the nebula and emit a lot of radiation and stellar winds, which shape the cloud of gas and dust that forms NGC 6820. This process creates interesting structures within the nebula, such as gas pillars that look like giant towers floating in space.

Image obtained from remote observatory.

One of the most striking things about NGC 6820 is precisely those gas pillars, which are similar to the famous “Pillars of Creation” in the Eagle Nebula. With its gas pillars and its connection to the star cluster NGC 6823, it is an incredibly interesting and beautiful place in space, showing the continuous process of star formation in our galaxy.