
Qatar-5b is a Hot Jupiter orbiting the star Qatar-5 located in Andromeda constellation. It orbits its star every 2.87 days. It was discovered in 2016 by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey. Observations of Qatar-5b Date:07/08/2022 ETD Transit Exoplanet Database Date:30/08/2022 Continue Reading


Qatar-4b is a hot Jupiter exoplanet orbiting the star Qatar-4 located in the constellation of Andromeda. It orbits its star every 1.8 days. It was discovered in 2016 by the Qatar Exoplanet Survey. Observations of Qatar-4b Date:09/08/2022 ETD Transit Continue Reading


Qatar-10 b is a gas giant exoplanet orbiting an F-type star. Its mass is 0.736 Jupiter, it takes 1.6 days to complete an orbit of its star and it is 0.0286 AU from its star. Its discovery was announced in Continue Reading


Qatar-1b is a hot Jupiter orbiting a metal-rich K dwarf star, the first planet discovered by the Alsubai Project exoplanet transit method. The strategy used to select candidates for transiting planets from the photometry generated by the Alsubai Project instrument Continue Reading