
GJ 1214 b is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star GJ 1214 approximately 40 light-years away, in the constellation Ophiuchus. This super-Earth has 6 times the mass of Earth and 2.6 times its radius. It was discovered by David Charbonneau and his collaborators on December 16, 2009, being the second super-Earth discovered after COROT-7b.1

GJ 1214 b is thought to consist mainly of 75% water ice and silicon and iron, and has a very dense atmosphere, about 200 km thick.2 3 Its orbital period is only 38 hours, with a semi-major axis of 0.06 AU (2 million km), about 70 times closer than Earth to the Sun. The planet’s temperature can range from 393–555 K (120–282 °C or 248–540 °F), being less hot than other transiting planets.


Observations of GJ1214b

Collaborative projects