LDN 1235, also known as the “Shark Nebula,” is another one of those dark, dusty nebulae floating in space. Unlike bright nebulae, which emit or reflect light, LDN 1235 is a dark nebula, which means it is basically a giant Continue Reading
Un observatorio amateur para estudios profesionales.Estudios de Exoplanetas, fotometría de asteroides, supernovas, ocultación de objetos estelares, astrofotografía, el Observatorio Anunaki al servicio de astrónomos profesionales.
LDN 1235, also known as the “Shark Nebula,” is another one of those dark, dusty nebulae floating in space. Unlike bright nebulae, which emit or reflect light, LDN 1235 is a dark nebula, which means it is basically a giant Continue Reading