Exoplanet Observation
Manual of photometry observations focused on the observation of exoplanet transits. Created by the author this website and operator of the Anunaki Observatory.
MaximDL software manual, for use in photometry.
Manual of configuration and use of this fantastic program of resolution of plate or “plate solving”.
A Practical Guide to Exoplanet Observing, for Dennis Conti.
TESS & AstroImageJ
Guidelines for TESS Aperture Photometry via AstroImageJ, by Jeremy Ha. & Pat Boyce.
TESS-W Photometer
The TESS-W photometer allows us to share sky brightness data on the networkSTARS4ALL, but it is also a good complement to the astronomical observatory.
The effect of Stellar limb-darkening on transit light curves
There are two main bodies involved in modelling a transit phenomenon: the star and the
planet. We are staring this educational journey by describing the stellar part of the transit
Observation of exoplanets with photometric filters (I)
The topic that we are going to deal with next has to do with exoplanets, specifically with the observation of transits of exoplanets, but I will include a proposal, or describe a technique, that can be used by non-professional astronomers.
A list of software, friendly websites and utilities for Astronomy
ETD: http://var2.astro.cz
NASA Exoplanet: http://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu
Fotodif: http://www.astrosurf.com/orodeno/fotodif/
Object Visibility: http://catserver.ing.iac.es/staralt/
PlanetHunters: http://blog.planethunters.org/
Exoplanetas.es: http://exoplanetas.es/
Transit search: http://www.transitsearch.org/
AVVSO: https://www.aavso.org/
ExoplanetenObservatorium: http://blog.exoplaneten-observatorium.de
PlanetQuestNASA: http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/
ObservatorioMontcabrer: http://cometas.sytes.net/
Astroerrante: http://www.astroerrante.com/
ObservatorioRemoto: http://observatorioremoto.blogspot.com.es/